Cobee blog

The place to catch up on everything related to employee well-being:
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Avatel Telecom: less administrative burden for HR and more satisfaction for the workforce

Avatel Telecom: less administrative burden for HR and more satisfaction for the workforce

Avatel Telecom, a national telecommunications operator and leader in the local sector, has managed to position itself in little more than a decade as a benchmark in the sector in Spain, offering optic fiber, mobile and fixed telephony, and TV services. Tax savings and revolution One of the company’s premises is the welfare of its […]
Hipoges: Increasing staff engagement through a plan to improve its financial health

Hipoges: Increasing staff engagement through a plan to improve its financial health

Hipoges is one of Spain’s leading asset management firms, with a workforce of more than 1,000 employees who look after the asset management of thousands of clients. A company closely linked to finance, which was founded in 2008, decided to invest in Cobee’s benefit plans two years ago. “The history of Hipoges is a story […]
Bipi: digital subscription comes to cars too

Bipi: digital subscription comes to cars too

Music, cinema, food, textiles… The number of sectors that have embraced online subscriptions is growing all the time, but why shouldn’t this trend also apply to the world of mobility? Thanks to Bipi, car subscription is here to stay. The Spanish startup provides an alternative to buying a car with its subscription system that includes […]